Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How is John Carter Trading the Recent Market Turmoil and Making Money?

You know him as our trading partner that made a name for himself as the guy who made the Big Trade on Tesla. Simpler Options CEO John Carter has continued to allow us to watch over his shoulder as he quietly took an account that he put $150,000 in at the beginning of the year and in 8 months turned it into $650,000.

Our readers have been attracted to John's trading methods due to the system's ability to limit risk while limiting the fees it takes to trade in this manner. And best of all it can be accomplished with any size account, no matter how large or small.

So how did John fair in the market turmoil of last week? He calmly continued to make money while using the volatility to his advantage. Luckily for us John put together another game changing free video that shows us exactly what he did in the peak of the madness.

Watch the video HERE

Here's what else he covers for you in the video.....

  *  Why the recent market sell off didn't change his plan

  *  How to compound profits correctly

  *  Why options are so profitable no matter the market condition

  *  And his plan that you can easily copy

Watch the video HERE for free, and let us know what you think

See you in the markets putting this to work,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get the latest updated version of John Carter's free eBook "Understanding Options".....Just Click Here

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