Friday, October 3, 2008

The Ostrich Trade Still Won't Work

I am sympathetic. With a market like we have right now it is real easy to just pull the covers over your head and ignore everything. But there is just as much money to be made right now as there is at any other time.

On Wednesday I bought the QID, the QQQ ETF that shorts the NASDAQ 100. I sold that at the close of trading for a tidy 9 percent+ gain. That's almost 10 percent in two days. Now I don't know about you but that is as good a trade as I can get even in the best of times!

So my stock tip of the day....forget the stock trade and trade the trend. Right now I think every smart trader out there knows we are headed further down. I for one am holding to my goal of DOW 10,000 and we my continue down through that. But with the sucking sound of money coming out of Washington with the vote today we are likely to get a pop on all three indexes.

If we do I will either pick up the QID again or more likely the DXD, Ultra Short DOW 30 since the NASDAQ has been beat so hard.

So pull back the covers, stick to a plan, forget the stocks and trade the trend.

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